Applications and Infrastructure

Request services related to NIC's enterprise software applications and network infrastructure services (e.g. Colleague, myNIC, network shared and personal drives, OneDrive, SharePoint etc.).

Services (9)


Request support for the Clockwork system.


Request technical support related to the Colleague ERP system.


Technical support for the FAST financial reporting system.

myNIC, Teams & SharePoint

Request for assistance and membership updates for Teams or SharePoint and request additions or changes to myNIC related resources.

Network Request / Problem

Request service for network infrastructure (wired ethernet, WiFi etc.) related needs or problems.

Perceptive Content

Request technical support for the Perceptive Content (aka ImageNow) system.

Reporting Services

Technical and development support for Reporting Services.

Data Recovery

Recover information resources that have been lost or deleted.

General Request for Applications and Infrastructure

Need additional help or to request something you cannot find in the Applications and Infrastructure service catalog? Use this form to submit a ticket and someone will address it.